
Yvette Evans - Founder/Owner/CEO

Yvette Evans, our founder, is a long-time resident of Philadelphia. Born and raised here, Evans spent most of her childhood enjoying and discovering different parts of Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love. She used to sit and daydream while walking past an abandoned house about making it better, and there were many such houses!

Philadelphia Affordable Housing

The Dream

Yvette thought that if she had the necessary capital, she would buy all the abandoned houses she saw and turn them into beautiful homes. It would not only beautify the neighborhood, but also give shelter to someone.

The Work

As Evans discovered the beauty of the houses, she purchased her first house in 2010, which had three bedrooms and one bathroom. She then invested her heart and soul to beautify the property, and consequently, her phone rang continuously with admirers of her work. With this, she found her calling and has been working on such projects ever since.

Yvette Evans’ work is her passion. The company now owns multiple properties, including single-family homes, rooming houses, duplexes, and apartments.

Philadelphia Affordable Housing